Ninjalympic 2023 in Kanazawa Castle
Yassan will participate in the urban sports festival “Ninjalympik 2023 Kanazawa Castle” as “Hokuriku GPS art club”.
This event aims to promote and foster urban sports popular among young people, such as skateboarding, BMX, street dance, bouldering, and breakdancing. The Ninja Parkour Council, which has held national competitions in Ishikawa Prefecture, called for a gathering to promote urban sports beyond the boundaries of competitions, which led to its establishment.
GPS art can also be seen as an urban sport that combines the city’s extensive road network and running/walking culture. Kanazawa City, the venue of the GPS Art event, is a city that was not affected by the war and has been a castle town for hundreds of years, and is characterized by its road network.
We will continue to hold GPS art events that symbolize the history and culture of each region, and explore the potential of GPS art as a tool for regional revitalization.
GPS art is considered to be “an activity that fuses sports, art, and tourism, using the community as a canvas. We are committed to making GPS art a part of our culture as a means of energizing Japan.

Ninjalympik 2023 Kanazawa Castle: GPS Art Run & Walk
The Urban Sports Festival is held by the Urban Sports Council with the aim of promoting and fostering urban sports popular among young people in the prefecture. As a festival of urban sports, competitions and hands-on events in various sports categories will be held.
Venue: Kanazawa Castle Park Shinmaru Plaza
Dates: May 1 (Mon) – 5 (Fri), 2023
Admission Fee: FREE!
HP https://hokuriku-gpsart.com/urbansports2023/