日本GPSアート協会 ロゴ

Founded the Japan GPS Art Association.

In 2008, when GPS was still largely unknown, I started creating GPS art. With the spread of smartphones, SNS, and the evolution of technology, the number of GPS art enthusiasts has increased, and now many people enjoy GPS art.

Now, the spread of GPS art is moving to the next phase. We are now moving on to the next phase, which is to create new value by connecting communities, cultures, and people.
To realize this goal, we have established the Japan GPS Art Association. Together with you, we will continue to take on new challenges.

Japan GPS Art Association

Creating a new world by GPS Art.
We aim to create new value by promoting regional revitalization and cultural exchange through GPS art.
We develop activities that provide fun and surprise to people with our unique technology and ideas. With art at the core, we collaborate with a wide range of fields, including sports, tourism, and education, to open up new possibilities for society.

Japan GPS Art Association Official Web