Yassan has joined “Walk in Her Shoes 2025,” a new project combining GPS art and international cooperation in walking, “Share ‘C’ GPS art on social networking sites!
During the period, 100 yen will be donated by the sponsors for each GPS artwork posted.
Save the “C” of “CARE” when you walk or run.
Post your saved images to Facebook, X (Twitter), and Instagram with the hashtags “#歩く国際協力2025 (Walking for International Cooperation 2025) ” and “#GPS Art”.
We will also hold the GPS Art Contest again this year!
Prizes will be awarded to the winners. In addition to the “C” GPS art, we would appreciate it if you could also post photos of “C” and “water” and your thoughts on participating in the campaign.
Walk in Her Shoes 2025
Walk in Her Shoes 2025 is a simple and healthy international cooperation that puts itself in the shoes of women and girls who have to walk every day to fetch water.
Women and girls in countries and regions where access to safe water is difficult walk about 8,000 steps (about 6 km) every day. Many opportunities in life, such as education and employment, are spent “fetching water.
Walk in Her Shoes” is a global campaign that is also implemented in CARE member countries Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In Japan, the campaign is launched every year on March 8, International Women’s Day, and 2025 will mark the 14th implementation of the campaign.
Campaign Coordinator: CARE Internationl Japan
Official Homepage: https://www.careintjp.org/walk_in_her_shoes/index.html#sanka_05
GPS Art Contest: Let’s Walk and Draw a “C” on the Earth! Let’s start GPS art!
Draw the “C” of CARE with GPS art and post it on SNS.
For every post, 200 JPY will be donated by the sponsor companies.
Let’s walk and draw a “C” on the earth and start GPS art! Let’s all participate in the “Let’s draw a “C” for CARE on the earth and send the message to the world!
How to Participate:
Draw a GPS artwork of “C” and post the image on Instagram / Facebook / X with the hashtag #歩く国際協力 (Walking for International Cooperation 2025) #WalkingInternationalCollaboration.
Venue: Online
Date: April 20 (Sat),2024〜May 31 (Fri)
Admission: FREE!
*Advance registration NOT required.